Saturday, February 10, 2024
12 – 5 PM
BioBAT Art Space
140 58th Street
Brooklyn Army Terminal, Building A
Brooklyn, NY 11220-2521
How do the ways we care for biological life change between their living, semi-living and non-living states? from birth to death? across industries as a source of information and material? in public and private conversation?
‘Meditations’’ brings these questions to life by projection-mapping hand-painted text originally printed on an upcycled military uniform. Scrolling text spills from the ceiling through the headless and handless figure into a pool of words melting through the floor. Join Elaine Young | STUDIOPHORIA for an artist talk. Deep dive into: why Faust, Icarus, Prometheus and Essay on Blindness appear on capsules of her DNA; and how all the ways the act of breathing was portrayed in the media during covid inspired her latest fashion collection - which launches today, the first day of the Year of the Dragon. Happy Lunar New Year! Come through to shop the pop-up!
Image Credit: Elaine Young