A Event

Community Ecology Reading Group

Date & Time

Saturday, March 29, 2025
1-3 PM


BioBAT Art Space Brooklyn Army Terminal, 58th St. Brooklyn NY, 11220


Join NYC Parks Greenthumb and Solar One's Stuy Cove Park at BioBat Art Space for the spring 2025 edition of the Community Ecology Reading Group! This media meetup is a non-traditional book club-- here's how it works: bring a book, article, podcast, film, etc related to this season's theme of MICROBES as well as a short snippet or quote you'd like to share with the group. We'll casually and tangentially discuss all things bacterial, fungal, eukaryotic and viral while enjoying some fermented beverages and other snacks (feel free to BYO!) We can read aloud to one another and add our contributions to the ongoing crowd-sourced Ecological Reading List.

Afterwards we'll take a walk through the current exhibition Water Stories, curated by Elena Soterakis, which includes a good many algal ancestors, ecological extremophiles, and recalcitrant microbes from whom we surely have much to learn about surviving on a rapidly changing planet. We hope to see you there!