B Past Exhibition


Embodied Futures & the Ecology of Care

October 14, 2023 – March 16, 2024

Opening Reception

Saturday, October 14, 2023,
5 – 7 PM

Closing Date

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Exhibiting Artists

Aradhita Ajaykumar Parasrampuria, Katie Hubbell, Elaine Young, Karen Ingram, Laura Kung, Juyon Lee, Lolo Ostia, John Roach, Iz Nettere, Shihori Yamamoto, Suzanne Head

Curated by

Elena Soterakis and Eve Barro


Embodied Futures & the Ecology of Care invites the viewer to reimagine “care” as a dynamic, flowing force that sustains and nurtures all beings as opposed to being a gift bestowed across a hierarchical power gap.

In a transforming world propelled by exponential advancements in technology and shifting ecological paradigms, the interdisciplinary art presented here serves as a bridge to a future where post-humanist ethics flourish and care becomes a womb-like embodiment woven through the fabric of existence.

This exhibition is a convergence of art, biology, technology, and ethics, which invites us to re-envision our relationship with the living world and ask the fundamental question: How can the concept of care be expanded beyond the human sphere?

The concept of "embodied futures" takes on new dimensions in this context. It speaks to a future where bodies, ecologies, and technologies merge, blurring the lines between self and environment. As we stand on the precipice of a new era, these works urge us to consider how our actions today shape the political and ethical, and ecological landscapes of tomorrow — landscapes in which care, empathy, and reciprocity are currencies that bridge the gaps between species and worlds.

Listening Room Press Release
Special thanks to Co-Organizers

Clarinda Mac Low & Carolyn Hall of Genspace, Junho Lee & Katherine Plourde of NARS Foundation, and DB Lampman of Makerspace.

This exhibition is made possible by the collaborative efforts of Genspace, NARS Foundation, Makerspace, Sunset Park Open Studios BioBAT Inc., SUNY Downstate, the Brooklyn Army Terminal, and the New York Economic Development Corporation.

B Current Exhibition

B Past Exhibitions